Quintero, E., Arroyo-Correa, B., Isla, J., Rodríguez-Sánchez, F., Jordano, P. (2024) Downscaling mutualistic networks from species to individuals reveals consistent interaction niches and roles within plant populations. BioRxiv
Quintero, E. (2024). Super-generalist species in frugivory mutualisms: ecological interactions and their ecosystem implications. PhD Thesis. Universidad de Sevilla.
Villalva, P., Arroyo‐Correa, B., Calvo, G., Homet, P., Isla, J., Mendoza, I., Moracho, E., Quintero, E., Rodríguez‐Sánchez, F., Jordano, P. (2024)
FRUGIVORY CAMTRAP : A dataset of plant–animal interactions recorded with camera traps. EcologyQuintero, E., Arroyo, JM., Dirzo, R., Jordano, P., Rodríguez‐Sánchez, F. (2024) Lasting effects of avian‐frugivore interactions on seed dispersal and seedling establishment. Journal of Ecology 112 (3): 656-672
Quintero, E., Rodríguez‐Sánchez, F., Jordano, P. (2022) Reciprocity and interaction effectiveness in generalised mutualisms among free‐living species. Ecology Letters 26 (1): 132-146
Quintero, E., Isla, J., Jordano, P. (2021) Methodological overview and data‐merging approaches in the study of plant–frugivore interactions. Oikos 2022 (2):
Quintero, E., Pizo, MA., Jordano, P. (2020) Fruit resource provisioning for avian frugivores: The overlooked side of effectiveness in seed dispersal mutualisms. Journal of Ecology 108 (4): 1358-1372
Quintero, E., Genzoni, E., Mann, N., Nuttman, C., Anderson, B. (2016) Sunbird surprise: A test of the predictive power of the syndrome concept. Flora 232 (): 22-29